"Healthy Links"

Click on these links for Information:
American Red Cross
Learn CPR
Gatorade Sports Science Institute
Sport Fuel
American Cancer Society (ACS) - http://www.cancer.org
American Diabetes Association (ADA) - http://www.diabetes.org
American Dietetic Association (ADA) - http://www.eatright.org/
Food & Drug Administration (FDA) - http://www.fda.gov/
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) - http://www.nida.nih.gov/
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis - www.rheumatoidarthritis.org/ra/juvenile/
More Healthy Links
KidsHealth - An excellent site with information written just for kids. Includes explanations about the body, nutrition, fitness and more.
The Innerbody - Online anatomy lessons containing more than 100 illustrations of the human body. Have your kids try the interactive portion of the site.
Neuroscience for Kids - This is a terrific site for you and your students to learn about the nervous system. Includes experiments, activities and a free newsletter.
Tobacco-Free Kids - Find out why smoking is bad for your health. Get the facts, check out special events and visit the kids corner.
Http://www.nih.gov This useful site belongs to the National Institute of Health, which is one of the world's foremost biomedical research centers and the Federal focal point for biomedical research in the U.S. It also contains sites to numerous other medically helpful sites and includes job listings, as well.
Http://americanheart.org Site of the American Heart Association, which presents a wide range of guidance about lowering your risk of heart disease and other medical links.
Http://www.arthritis.org Home to the Arthritis Foundation, which publicizes data on arthritis and advocates research into its treatment
Http://www.healthfinder.org Established by the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services. Includes links to other government agencies, medical journals, health media online, specialized topics for teens, adults, etc; also has links to Spanish language sites, food safety info and medical dictionaries.
Http://www.nlm.nih.gov Affiliated with Medline and the Natl. Institute of Health's Library of Medicine. Contains more than 9 million references to medical journals and includes links to information about HIV/AIDS, environmental health, and telemedicine video demos.
Http://www.niaaa.nig.gov Site of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism with numerous links to publications on same.
Http://www.ajcn.org Home of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which details studies on obesity, nutrition and disease, energy metabolism, vitamins and minerals.
Http://www.veganoutreach.org Site of Vegan Outreach, an international organization dedicated to furthering vegetarian living and an improved environment.
Http://www.herbalgram.org Site sponsored by the American Botanical Council, a nonprofit organization educating the public about beneficial herbs and plants and promoting the safe and effective use of medicinal plants. (Wholeheartedly recommend!)
Http://www.cdc.gov/travel Run by the Centers for Disease Control offering health info about travel destinations across the glove; recommends various vaccinations for travel to areas susceptible to specific tropical diseases..
Http://my.webmd.com A press-credentialed medical news organization whose goal is to "be the world's premiere authoritative daily news source for health and medicine." Site includes a prescription drug and herb database, a medical encyclopedia, Health-E-Meter, physician locator, resource center and sports and fitness information. Definitely worth a visit!
The Center for Science in the Public Interest, with input from experts and parents, has developed two new resources with healthy snack ideas for parents, teachers, afterschool programs, and other caregivers.
Click this site: Center for Science in the Public Interest