Life At Lee...Becoming The Best You Can Be!
Our mission is to challenge each child to reach his or her full intellectual, creative and physical potential through a fully integrated curriculum. We encourage students to become life-long learners by developing intellectual curiosity and a thirst for discovery and achievement. We strive to create a perse community that fosters mutual respect and social responsibility, enhanced by a strong partnership between home and school.
Students at Lee Avenue Elementary School are given the opportunity to excel in all areas of the curriculum. We offer a challenging curriculum where students are allowed to compete in many competitions such as Math Olympiads, the Noetic Learning Math Contest (NLCM), the Long Island Spelling Bee Contest, the Stock Market Game, the National Social Studies League, the National Language Arts League, and the National Science League, and many essay and art competitions.
In addition, we support the emotional and social development of each child. During recreation students can participate in our Mileage Club where they can earn foot tokens. Also, students can be "Caught Being Good" where they are recognized for doing random acts of kindness. Through our Site-Based Team and PBIS Team students are acknowledged monthly for following Lee-O's Laws which is our building behavioral program.