New York State Alliance for Health,
Physical Education, Recreation and
Dance Nassau Zone Chapter

Nassau Zone Award Recipients
Hicksville High School
Congratulations to our Class of 2024 Seniors
The following Students have been awarded the Nassau Zone Outstanding Physical Education Award based upon the following criteria:
Physical Education Achievement - earning above an "A" GPA every year in Physical Education Classes
Scholastically Sound - a student who has earned an overall GPA between a 3.0-4.0 and is working up to their potential
Outstanding Character - contributes to the overall positive tone of the Physical Education Classes as well as the school. The student makes an outstanding effort to be cooperative, honest, poised, self confident, attentive, industrious and enthusiastic. And at all times is working to support the instructional efforts of the class.
Physical Education Leader - leader in class activities and accepts responsibility well
School Wide Activities Leader - active in the leadership capacity within the school environment
Role Model - student achieves a high level of physical fitness as determined by individual accomplishments. Student demonstrates a positive attitude toward the instructional activity and provides support for the success of others.
2024 Olivia Hoffman and Dylan Donegan
2023 Madilynn Winters and Ryan McQuade
2022 Julia DeTurris and Ryan Hilton
2021 Emma Kaszovitz and John Kiss
2020 Emma DeJesus and Nicholas Hoene
2019 Amber Pelczynski and Amaury Mateo
2018 Caroline Ramos and Antonio Aguilar
2017 Fatemah Mukadum and Matthew Sloan
2016 Lucy Piacentini and Raymond Pietzak
2015 Noelle Batista and Robert Schmidt
2014 Keley Abbriano and Daniel Sloan
2013 Caitlyn Garger and Michael Fong
2012 Alexandra Cimino and Michael DeSimone
2011 Brittney Hoehing and Timothy Parker
2010 Kimberly Chirco and James Kinsepp
2009 Laura McNamara and Eric Holzapple
2008 Jessica D'Amico and Brian Freire
2007 Kacey Abbriano and Edward Albrecht